Our church is composed of a very diverse group of people representing a diverse theological culture.  We strive to major on the things that most important and let some of the small stuff go.


Statement of Beliefs – This brief document provides an overview of the fundamental beliefs of Pathway Church and its leadership.

Open Hand / Closed Hand – Theology – This document was created to help our diverse congregation to major on majors and minor on minors. We will not always agree on every point … but we need to agree on what is really important.

Communion Guidelines – This document outlines what we believe about communion and was created as a support for anyone who would like to lead others in communion. We highly encourage families and small groups to make communion (The Lord’s Supper) a regular part of their fellowship time together.

Mental Health Resources – This page will provide a list of contacts and resources for those experiencing, or caring for someone with, mental health challenges.

2017 Annual Report – A year of accomplishments! This report outlines our activities and finances in the past year. God is doing great things.

If you have questions … please contact us below.